E-Signature is the electronic version of a person's signature. Basically, you can sign documents created electronically with E-Signature. E-Signature, however, is numerical data that proves the person belonging to the transaction made in electronic transactions and that there is no denial of the transaction.
Electronic signature in Electronic Signature Law No. 5070; is defined as electronic data attached to another electronic data or logically linked to electronic data and used for authentication purposes. Electronic signature; It consists of letters, characters or symbols that guarantee that an information is transmitted in an environment that is not accessible to third parties, without compromising its integrity (in the original form created by the party transmitting the information) and verifying the identity of the parties, by electronic or similar means.
In E-signature Usage Areas;
E-Government Applications, E-EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), UYAP (National Judiciary Network Project), Communication Between Institutions (Police Directorates, Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs), Registered Electronic Mail System (KEP), MERSİS (Central Registry Registration) System), in the field of Health (Healthcare Personnel, Hospitals, Pharmacies, etc.), Application Transactions (YGS, KPSS, LES, Passport etc.), Social Security Practices, Tax Payment Transactions, Internet Banking, Insurance Transactions, Paperless Offices, E-Contracts Is included as E-Order Transactions.
E-Signature Advantages
Since E-Signature is legally equivalent to your own signature, it enables you to make your official transactions online in a faster, safer, time and cost-saving way.
E-Signature allows you to save on expenses such as paper and cargo.
You can sign with your computer wherever you have an internet connection.
To Get E-Signature With Nlksoft Assurance;
For Individual Application;
T.R. Identity Number "ID number" written on it or a copy of the Driver's License, Qualified Electronic Certificate "QEC" Application Form and "QEC" End User Agreement are required.
For Institutional Application;
T.R. ID number "ID number" or a copy of the driver's license, Qualified Electronic Certificate "QEC" Application Form for each user and "QEC" End User Agreement are required. In addition to these documents;
Chamber of Commerce activity certificate (ASLI) (received within 6 months),
Signature circulars (ASLI),
In case of signature requests for a large number of users, an "Corporate Application Agreement" is signed in addition to these documents.
To get Nlksoft E-signature, you can make your payment by cash, bank transfer, credit card.